The College is a place that many people cherish for a variety of reasons. As an Old Stortfordian you came to school here and made life-long friendships. Your children come or came to school here. You teach or taught here. You live nearby and visit on a regular basis. As such, we see you as a Stortfordian and value our connection with you.
The Stortfordian Foundation, working in collaboration with the Old Stortfordian Society, holds the Stortfordian community at its heart, building bonds across our thriving global community of individuals who have the best interests of the College at heart.
The focus of the Foundation is community engagement:
Our online community connects people, creates enterprise, assists Old Stortfordians in their career development and provides the opportunity to support our philanthropic campaigns.
Through our online portal, you will be able to keep up to date on all our latest news, events and opportunities and stay connected with the College and other Stordfordian Foundation members.
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