A Level Course Listing
There has been a high take up of A Level Physics over recent years, with our students achieving excellent results. Our department prides itself on being a welcoming place to study, where teachers work in partnership with you to help you understand what can be seen as one of the more challenging A Levels.
Our lessons are filled with enjoyable content, including in-depth practicals that allow you to investigate new concepts and learn as you go. Problem-solving is a fundamental part of learning physics and there are lots of opportunities to develop skills in this area, from simpler exam-style questions through to challenging extension material.
Following the AQA A Level specification, you will progress smoothly from previous IGCSE or GCSE studies, developing in-depth knowledge and understanding of the principles of physics, and gaining hands-on practical skills and data analysis skills. The course enables you to see how physics links to other sciences and how the subject underpins important modern technologies.
Put simply, physics is fun! That doesn’t mean it’s easy though and if you choose physics, you should enjoy a challenge. Our physics teachers are very experienced at guiding you through the course and making it an accessible subject that you can enjoy. It is a subject that is highly regarded by university admissions officers across all universities and can lead to a wide range of career options. Most importantly, Physics gives you the understanding that you need to understand the world around you, from the building that you are sitting in, to the edges of the universe. By studying physics, you will learn the science behind the things that you see every day.
Pointers for those considering the A Level for university entry: Physics is necessary for engineering and physical sciences, and is a supporting subject for biological sciences, chemical sciences, environmental studies, geological sciences, mathematics, computing, medical sciences, medicine and dentistry.
Examination board: AQA 7408
At least a grade 7 at GCSE or 77 in double award/combined sciences plus a grade 7 in mathematics.
In the Lower Sixth year you will study:
i. Measurements and their errors
ii. Particles and radiation
iii. Waves
iv. Mechanics and materials
v. Electricity
Having completed the Lower Sixth work, in the Upper Sixth you will study the additional topics of:
vi. Further mechanics and thermal physics
vii. Fields and their consequences
viii. Nuclear physics
You will also study one option topic and the department will offer at least two (and sometimes three) options from which you can choose. The options are selected from the following:
ix. Astrophysics
x. Medical physics
xi. Engineering physics
xii. Turning points in physics
xiii. Electronics
The A Level course has a strong element of practical skills too, and you will be expected to carry out successfully twelve assessed practicals over your two year course.
At the end of the Upper Sixth year, you will be assessed by taking three two-hour papers.
Both are two hours long with 85 marks of short and long answer questions and 25 multiple choice questions on each paper assessing topics 1 to 6.
Two hours long over two sections:
Section A
Short and long answer questions on practical experiments and data analysis.
Section B
Short and long answer questions on the option topics.
SECTION B Option topics;
35 marks of short and long answer questions on optional topic.