College Life

Higher Education and Careers

We want your child to leave us as a confident, aspirational, and self-aware young person. Our higher education and careers programme is designed to fully prepare them for the key decision-making points they will reach. Your child will be equipped with the tools, skills and knowledge to deal with the challenges of, and be successful in, the world of tomorrow.

Our Approach

Delivered through PSHE lessons, our Life Skills initiative, and collaborative work with academic staff, our programme addresses the world of work and preparing for it; understanding strengths and weaknesses, building soft skills, and offers your child opportunities to engage with employers from a variety of career sectors and further education providers.

Our programme meets the Gatsby Benchmarks and complies with CDI Framework, ensuring we provide high quality education and guidance, tailored to the individual needs of your child.

"The careers provision provides pupils with clear and effective guidance about how to prepare for university applications or other learning or work environments"

ISI Inspection 2024

Morrisby Careers Platform

Personal Guidance

Work Experience

Other Careers Events

Sixth Form

Whilst many of our Sixth Form students leave to embark on a university course, the apprenticeship route is becoming increasingly popular. Robust UCAS support is in place and accessible to your child, ensuring they receive the best advice on how to prepare their application. International applications are greatly supported, with guidance sought from a network of external experts.

Dedicated support sessions are available for those wishing to pursue the apprenticeship pathway, assisting with research and vacancies, application preparation, and the interview and assessment process.

Find out more about Sixth Form

“A top university had been a dream. A top university is now a reality.”


Through our programme your child will gain




