College Trio Win Rotary Youth Speaks Competition

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26 November 2024

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Monday 18 November saw the College host the Rotary Club’s Youth Speaks intermediate competition, an annual event in which pupils demonstrate their articulacy, writing skills, and teamwork as they compete against other schools from the local area.

Having been recommended by their English teachers for the enthusiasm and passion they had demonstrated over their first half term in the Senior School, Year 9 pupils Oliver S, Adi D and Emily W all volunteered to represent the College in the competition.

Ahead of the competition, they independently worked together to devise their topic: ‘Words can make us happy, sad, and everything in between – why the way we use language matters.’

Having worked hard over half term to write their speeches, they met regularly to refine their speeches and rehearse their performances, giving up lunch times and dedicating their free time to ensure that, by Monday 18 November, they were word-perfect and well-practiced to the high standards expected in the competition.

The evening saw the team observe three other groups before their own performance, all of which had been a high standard. Up first, Oliver set the stage, seizing the attention of the audience, judges, and other competitors. Adi followed with the main speech, learnt completely off by heart, and delivered with passion and insight, on the idea of the power of words.

What followed next was arguably the most challenging aspect of the competition; answering questions from the audience. Oliver dealt with the member of the public politely and confidently, whilst Adi responded to his question with calm confidence and provided an answer that more than met the demands of the question.

Emily concluded the proceedings by highlighting the key themes and stretching the audience’s thinking, providing a highly satisfying end to the College trio’s exceptional performance.

The judges proceeded to award 1st place to the College team, and the number of positive comments from staff, parents, and members of the public were warmly received by the terrific trio of Oliver, Adi, and Emily.



Posted on:

26 November 2024

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