Posted on:
16 June 2023
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Lower Fifth pupil, Emi Ballard-Matthews has signed a deal with Wolverhampton (Wolves) Wanderers Football Club following interest from several Premier League clubs.
Emi, who has been playing football since the age of four, was scouted whilst playing for Watford Football Club and bought out of his two-year contract for a long-term deal at Wolves Football Club. Emi has also previously attended an England Men’s U15 Football camp.
Alongside his GCSE studies, Emi has played in a number of five-a-side football tournaments at the College and is a sports scholar. As part of his scholarship programme, Emi has access to tailored gym sessions and receives guidance from College staff to support him with balancing his academic workload with his sporting commitments.
Emi’s training with Wolves Football Club begins in July this year. When asked what he is looking forward to about joining the club, Emi commented, “I’m most looking forward to being nurtured in an elite environment and the opportunities that will come with time.”
The College wishes Emi the best of luck in the next stages of his football journey.