
The Nest

Opening in September 2025, the Nest nursery class offers children aged 3+ a safe, nurturing, and stimulating environment. Here your child will be welcomed into a world of discovery and wonder. Taught using the curiosity approach, your child will grow as an independent learner, as they explore and develop their personal, social, and emotional qualities.

From classroom-based curriculum learning to child-led play and outdoor Forest School sessions, your child will start to discover and grow their unique skills and characteristics as they take the first steps in their education journey.

Typical Day

The Nest will run from 8.10am to 3.00pm, Monday to Friday during term time only. Morning sessions will run from 8.10am to 12.00pm, and afternoon sessions from 12.00pm to 3.00pm. Lunch will be served at 11.30am.

Throughout the day your child will be engaged in a variety of staff-led activities inside and outside the classroom, with plenty of time for child-initiated play.

Our Approach

Whilst in The Nest, your child will learn from the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum which mirrors our Pre-Prep Reception curriculum and was recently recognised as a ‘significant strength’ by the Independent Schools Inspectorate in our 2024 inspection. Taught by qualified teachers, the morning curriculum will progress daily throughout the year and includes weekly swimming lessons, phonics, early mathematics, and Forest School learning.

We believe that for your child to settle and make substantial progress they should attend regularly. To maximise personal, social, and emotional development as well as academic potential, we ask children to attend for a minimum of five mornings a week. Admissions will be prioritised for children who apply for a full-time nursery place, however if space allows, we will accept applications for children to attend for at least three days a week. Preferences for days will be considered depending on availability.

All children attending The Nest will be required to wear a uniform, which mirrors the Pre-Prep PE kit. This includes College branded jogging bottoms or shorts, polo shirt, and sweatshirt.

To reach their full potential, we encourage children to attend a minimum of five mornings per week at The Nest.

How to apply


We want to help your child reach their full potential and to do so, there are certain expectations we will look for during their assessments for entry to our nursery class. By the time your child turns three years old, they should be able to reach the following milestones.

Communications and Language

Personal, Social, and Emotional Development

Physical Development

Fees and Funding

There are a limited number of Funded Early Education Entitlement (FEEE) places available to access, up to a maximum of 15 hours a week. FEEE-funded hours are only available from 12.00pm to 3.00pm each day.

We regret that we are unable to offer the extended 30 hours of free childcare and are unable to split FEEE with another provider.

For illustrative purposes only, the fee structure for 2024-2025, which is consistent with our Pre-Prep, is below. Fees for the 2025-2026 academic year will be released in line with our fee setting process and will be available on our Fees page.

The Nest 2024-2025 Fee Structure (illustrative purposes only)

SessionsPer Term
Mornings (lunch included)
(When attending for five mornings)
Three Days£3,313.60
Four Days£3,727.80
Five Days£4,142