Prep School


An education which encompasses breadth of curriculum and educational rigour; one that inspires, challenges beliefs, and enables achievement. An education for tomorrow. Your child will receive the time and attention needed to develop the skills, confidence, and desire to embrace learning and prepare them for the world they will enter.

We aim to fire your child’s imagination and give them the skills they need to make their way in an increasingly complex world. Our broad and balanced curriculum, endless opportunities for personal growth, and down-to-earth community, ensures your child, the generation of tomorrow, will be equipped to achieve their full potential.

Our Approach

Our Prep School has its own distinctive atmosphere and learning environment, but as part of the wider College we offer a greater range of first-rate facilities, teaching resources, and opportunities than is typical of most Prep schools.

Prep School Year Groups

Age Year GroupNational Curriculum Equivalent
7-8Lower ShellYear 3
8-9Upper ShellYear 4
9-10Form OneYear 5
10-11Form TwoYear 6
11-12Lower ThirdYear 7
12-13Upper ThirdYear 8


Shell is a wonderful stepping stone into the Prep School for our 7 and 8 year olds. Shell children have their own learning environment and daily routine tailored to the needs of their age group. They have a class teacher for all subjects apart from art, drama, physical education, swimming, music, RE and Computer Science. These are taught by Prep School specialist teachers, whilst enjoying regular shared activities with the older pupils.

We cultivate enquiring minds, facilitate independent thought, and enable intellectual development through the pursuit of skills relevant to today’s world.

Moving on from Shell, our pupils have specialist teachers for each subject throughout the Prep School. All our academic programmes are closely linked, ensuring that our pupils are well prepared for the step up to Senior School.



Computer Science

Design and Technology







Modern Foreign Languages


Physical Education

Religious Studies


Learning Support

Our well-resourced Learning Support team promotes a sense of self-worth combined with realistic expectations, encouraging your child to be proactive in their learning, to give their best and achieve their potential.

Our dedicated team work in close partnership with teaching staff, and you, to ensure your child receives the appropriate support tailored to their individual needs.

"Effective in class support from teaching assistants in the Prep School, who know the pupils well and individualise the guidance they offer, helps the pupils from all starting points make good progress"

ISI Inspection 2024